SWAG Volunteers' Pages
SWAG can only provide the services we offer thanks to the generosity of the many residents of Sway who give their time and financial help. We thank you all!
We always need new volunteers and fund-raisers – see below for ways in which you can help.
Fundraise for SWAG
There are many ways to raise the funds we need to run SWAG. See our Donations page or contact us at info@swaghants.org.uk.
Become a SWAG Driver!
Thinking of becoming a driver for us? This page will tell you all you need to know.
Already a SWAG Driver?
This page has all the information you need, including guidance and maps.
Helping with Lunch Club
Can you help with our fortnightly Lunch Club for retired people who live alone? This page has the information you need to become a helper, cook or bottle-washer!
Helping the Community Cafe
Everyone is welcome at the Café from 10:30 every Tuesday, in the Church Rooms. If you can help too, just come along and let us know.
SWAG Volunteers' Pages
SWAG can only provide the services we offer thanks to the generosity of the many residents of Sway who give their time and financial help. We thank you all!
We always need new volunteers and fund-raisers – see below for ways in which you can help.
Fundraise for SWAG
There are many ways to raise the funds we need to run SWAG. See our Donations page or contact us at info@swaghants.org.uk.
Become a SWAG Driver!
Thinking of becoming a driver for us? This page will tell you all you need to know.
Already a SWAG Driver?
This page has all the information you need, including guidance and maps.
Helping with Lunch Club
Can you help with our fortnightly Lunch Club for retired people who live alone? This page has the information you need to become a helper, cook or bottle-washer!
Helping the Community Cafe
Everyone is welcome at the Café from 10:30 every Tuesday, in the Church Rooms. If you can help too, just come along and let us know.